- Market Research
- Brand and Marketing Strategy Development
- Positioning Theme Line Development andTesting
- Email Marketing; Social Media Content Management
- Performance Tracking Module
America’s Plush Headquarters
Founded in 1992, Dallas-based Plush in a Rush is a designer and distributor of plush toys serving all 50 states and overseas locations as well. It serves florists, retail and gift shops, hospitals, non-profits, dance studios, schools and other verticals as well. (If you live in Texas you know what a homecoming mum is – chances are the plush animal attached to it came from Plush in a Rush.)
We were engaged to developed a brand and marketing strategy based on the owners’ long range goals (both revenue based and non-financial), and develop and help execute an annual marketing plan to achieve those goals. We also implemented our Performance Tracking Module to provide real-time updates on YTD revenue, transactions, new customer acquisition, website visits, online transactions and other key KPIs.
The brand evaluation process led us to recommend a superior – and supportable – position as America’s Plush Headquarters. This brand idea has been supported “all-in” at the company, as it now appears on all communications (website, email marketing, direct mail catalogs), packaging, and videos.